About Play Quest App

Play Quest stands at the forefront of educational innovation, offering a transformative experience for learners worldwide. With our comprehensive trivia game app, users gain access to four distinct games in one immersive platform.


Featuring three game modes tailored to diverse audiences, Play Quest ensures that learners of all ages and backgrounds can engage with our educative and entertaining content. Whether you're a student, educator, or lifelong learner, there's something for everyone on Play Quest.

Game Features
  • Daily vocabulary with multiple new words to learn everyday
  • Connect with friends instantly through messaging and chat features
  • Win coins to access other fantastic in-built features
  • Stay on your toes with a thrilling countdown timer
  • Engage in multiplayer battles for added excitement

What's in the box?

Beyond entertainment, Play Quest serves as a structured educational platform with structured incentives for winners. This unique approach will not only motivate players to excel but also fosters a competitive spirit conducive to learning and growth.

This platform goes beyond traditional trivia games by introducing multiple new words daily, to enrich players' vocabulary and language skills with each play session, by seamlessly integrating fun and learning, Play Quest creates an engaging environment where players can expand their knowledge while having a great time.

Join us in revolutionizing education with Play Quest. Download the app today and embark on a journey of discovery, fun, and educational growth.

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